Thursday 30 March 2017

Song of the day

The most beautiful song I've heard in a while. Just love it. Much better than the original.

Monday 27 March 2017

I love my job

These sweethearts were waiting for me this morning. And they were really happy to see me. There is no better feeling than that.
I just love my job! And these creatures. 💗

Sunday 26 March 2017


Have you ever had a dream that felt so real when you woke up in the morning you were exhausted like you did not even go to bed all night?

Well, I have been having these exhausting dreams and they feel so real that I actually need a moment to realize that this didn't happened and was just a dream. And it has a huge impact on my day too as my mind is stirred up.
And can't think of anything else but what happenned in my dream. I like to think that some of the dreams have meanings and trying to tell you something, but in some cases that is how you deal with things, feelings that you buried deep inside yourself.
But is it possible that my mind has just simply gone insane and gives me these stupid dreams? 😅

But anyway, I feel good at the moment. I got up more than an hour ago and the shock is wearing off now. haha Stupid dreams...

Thursday 23 March 2017


It's nice to open up a little to people. And it's even more nice when they actually understand what I say. So I think, you people deserve some credit.

I consider myself introvert as I prefer to be alone than being around people. I was never chatty and I don't do small talk, because I just can't. Some people think it's weird and a friend told me today that doing small talk might make the other person feel better, and it might lift their spirits for the day or for the rest of the week. I think this friend of mine is right. It made me feel really bad about myself because I usually don't care what other people say and just kinda zone out not paying attention.

But is it selfish to do things for yourself not caring if other gets anything from it or not?
Should I do small talk just to make others feel better even if I don't like it? A part of me shouts yes but the other part of me says that it is too much of an effort and I don't know... I recall situations when I just could not say anything about that matter that one was talking about. I just didn't have any interest in that subject. Bit embarrassing.
I'd rather be on my own, away from people if I could. With a book. And coffee. Outside somewhere in Mother Nature enjoying the sunshine.

But anyway, it was nice that someone was actually listening to me and understood me so I am kind of grateful.
And for the future me, I think I have to change. A bit. Starting tomorrow.

Monday 20 March 2017

The Talk

I am sure that everyone had a moment in their lives when they had to have the 'I need to talk to you.' situation, where you were the one who initiated the conversation with this very popular sentence.

Well, the thing is, this kind of stuff is not so easy for me. I always struggled to tell people anything that was on my mind. First of all because most people don't really understand me and read things into it which actually is not there. Second, I am always a bit concerned what certain people think and how they will react to what I want to say.
I am certain that I'm not the only one with this kind of 'fear'.

But anyway, I have to have the 'I need to talk to you.' situation very soon and I am afraid I will not survive it. Although I've done it many times and it always turned out quite alright, I am still a bit hesitant.  So good luck to me!

Sunday 19 March 2017

Do you ever wonder...

Do you ever wonder if the people who had big part in your life (but not anymore) still think of you? Best friend from primary school/high school, first boyfriend or first love? Family member you don't keep in touch anymore or frenemies from the past?

Well, I do. Sometimes. Does that count as living in the past?

I just wonder you know because I still think of them.
My first best friend in year 5 and 6 in primary school. The stupid things we've done, playing table tennis on PE or the cartoon project that we decided to do and was not a great success but we enjoyed it as hell. Or staying in the library after school having fun and talking about boys who we liked and who we did not like.
  It was so easy, life was so easy back then. Being just a child with a mother waiting for you at home. Can't help it but sometimes I really wish that I was just still a child with no clue about the big, cruel world. When my biggest problem was to do my homework and getting acceptable grades so my mum would not shout at me.

Ahhh... Being an adult is so hard. But anyway, let's not go any further because let's admit: we all could complain for ages..

So, I was just wondering....

Let's start a blog again!

I have had a blog before but then I decided to stop for many reasons and because I was an idiot.

With this first post, I would like to welcome and say thanks to everyone and no one who reads my future posts.
Any comment you have in mind, please don't hesitate, share it with me. I would love to hear them even if they are not positive.

Well then... thank you for reading and visiting.